We guarantee to provide finest compliance services to our clients by focusing on reliability. Moreover, we have over 20+ partners in different countries to provide you 100% assistance to obtain CCC certification.
Contact our experts to know how to get CCC certificate.
China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) is the certification process that allows the seller to affix a (China Compulsory Certificate) CCC mark China on the product to demonstrate that the product is safe. Thus, the (China Compulsory Certificate) CCC mark China is the passageway to the Chinese market.
In December 2001, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) and the Certification Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China publicized the CCC/ CCC certificate China (China Compulsory Certificate).
To be noted, CCC certification/ CCC certificate China was implemented on May 1, 2002. However, it came into full effect on August 1, 2003.
Moreover, CCC certification incorporates China’s two mandatory inspection systems: CCIB (China Commodity Inspection Bureau) and CCEE (China Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment) to simplify foreign trade.
Additionally, from 2019 for certain products, you can either do the voluntary certification or (China Compulsory Certificate) CCC-self certification.
Note- To maintain the CCC certification, annual audits will be conducted.
The CCC certification process comprises factory inspection, product testing, proper documentation, and more, for which an applicant must be completely aware of the CCC certification/ CCC mark China requirements. If not, it could restrict your product from entering the Chinese market.
Consequently, JR Compliance- an award-winning compliance service provider, guarantees to provide you complete support in how to get CCC certificate because our experts have comprehensive knowledge of CCC requirements, documentation, and certification process.
Our knowledge and expertise in acquiring CCC certification will make the CCC certification process uncomplicated for you.
Hence, for expert and professional services, contact us immediately.
The CCC certification is administered by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA).
The objective of the CCC certificate is to provide safe products to its final customers.
The CCC certification can only be renewed through a follow-up certification.
The validity of the CCC certification is five years. However, it should be maintained through annual audits.
You can refer to the First Catalogue of Products Subject to China Compulsory Certification to find whether your product needs CCC certification or not.
Indeed, the penalty would be imposed on the seller or importer if they try to sell a product in the Chinese market without approval. Moreover, the imported products would be returned to the senders, if not CCC marked.
Thus, to enter your product in the Chinese market, you must obtain the CCC certificate.
No, the product testing outside China is not authorized.
Indeed, a product could require additional certifications. For instance, telecommunication products and medical products do not require additional certification. However, television might need to acquire a license from the SARFT.
Thus, you must check the requirement of additional certification, as per the type of your product.
Below-mention are some certification bodies and product categories,
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