To obtain the authorization to establish Dairy farms and Gaushalas CPCB has implemented several guidelines which are obligatory to follow. Let's have a look at the first step towards obtaining the authorization for Dairy farms and Gaushalas.
In case of any query or authorization related concern - we - JR Complaince, Delhi based team of top-notch consultants are the right choice. Contact us for expert and reliable services.
Dairy Farms and Gaushalas - places where bovine animals lives, though, the major difference lies in the fact that Dairy farms produces milk, while Gaushalas provides shelter to the bovine animals.
Since 1998, India has been holding first position among milk producing nations. That implies, India has the largest bovine population in the world.
Moreover, dairy is the second largest source of secondary income for millions of rural families, that means, it has been playing a necessary role in generating employment and income opportunities.
However, being one of the flourishing or growing industries - Dairy farms and Gaushalas has been a major contributor in pollution generation. That’s why, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has implemented guidelines which are obligatory to be followed by the Dairy farm and Gaushala owners.
It can not be avoided that, to prevent environment CPCB is constantly framing new guidelines, that's why you need an expert assistance to implement its guidelines, including obtaining the authorization from the officials.
We - JR Compliance have an integrated approach to meet all your requirements while being in a direct contact with officials as we care about our customers satisfaction, however, above all, we care about our environment.
Before moving to the guidelines, let’s start with its categorization -
As per the latest rules, the number of dairy farms or gaushalas established in urban, pre-urban, and rural areas have been categorized on the basis of number of bovine it comprise -
As per the inventory received by the Pollution Control Board (PCCs) or State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs), it has been analyzed that-
That has been respectively categorized as small, medium, and large dairy farms. Furthermore, for proper categorization of the dairy farms depending on the urban, pre-urban, and rural areas - it has been analyzed that 5% to 10% of dairy farms are established in urban areas, while pre-urban areas also hold the similar percentage of dairy farms as urban areas.
On the contrary, rural areas possess the highest number of dairy farms, that is 80% to 90%.
Likewise, as per PCCs or SPCBs it has been observed that -
Thus, the Gushalas have been categorized as small, medium, and larger on the basis of number of animals it contains that are up upto 100, 1,000 animals, and over 1,000 animals respectively.
Further, it has been observed that the Gaushalas in urban areas holds the 50% to 55% percentage, while the percentage of Gaushalas in pre-urban areas is the lowest, i.e., 5% to 10% and its percentage in rural areas are 35% to 45%.
However, obtaining an authorization could be tedious for a layman, because it requires great deal of efforts.
That's why we have a solution to each concern in respect to authorization. Be it documentation, implementation of guidelines, coordinating with officials, or even guide you in regard to each aspect of the authorization - we have got you covered.
These guidelines would be applicable to the establishment discharging their waste in the environment -
Below-mentioned siting practices apply to the new establishment, however, existing Dairy farms should follow the adequate environmental friendly practises as mentioned in guidelines.
Siting policy applies to the new establishment. While existing Gaushalas are required to follow the environmental friendly practices as prescribed by the Guidelines.
CPCB is responsible for forming the guidelines, but it is also focusing on the regulatory or monitoring the implementation of the established guidelines. Moreover, only following the obligatory guidelines is not enough, but you are also required to complete the registration.
Well, for that, you can contact us a Delhi based award winning compliance service provider - that’s JR Compliance. We have a team of experts abreast with all the guidelines issued by the CPCB because we believe that if we miss an information, it could be a loss of our clients.
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