We make One Person Company registration online easier for an individual while offering flexibility and adaptability. Moreover, our clients are most important for us, which is why we invest our sustain efforts in providing what you need, i.e., high-standard OPC registration online services.
Get your OPC registration done immediately with our OPC registration consultant!
According to Section 2(62) of the Companies Act, a one person company Registration Online is a company that comprises only a single person as to its member. In an OPC, an individual promoter has complete authority over the firm.
Thus, an individual would be the shareholder and director (though, the nominee of the director would be present with no authority until the real director fails to get into the contract).
Apart from this, OPC private limited companies have to obey specific rules and regulations that are mentioned in the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Article of Association (AOA) which provides the guidelines for mutual rights and duties.
An OPC has to convert into a private limited company or public limited company when
Before discussing benefits of an OPC, let's understand how it is different from other forms of business -
Apply for the OPC incorporation/ OPC Registration online through Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company electronically (SPICe) (INC-32) which will provide five major benefits to the stakeholders, i.e., name reservation, allotment of Director Identification (DIN), company incorporation, allotment of PAN, and TAN.
Along with filling the form, affix eMoA (INC-33) and eAOA (INC-34). However, if eMoA and eAOA are not available, you are required to submit the PDFs of MOA and AOA.
Note- No need to reserve the company name individually, because you can apply for a company name through SPICe (INC-32).
To culminate, one person company registration online could be perplexed which could further result in a delay in the registration process. That being so, it will only affect the owner of the firm/company.
Thus, to avoid such consequences you need professional assistance which JR Compliance can provide you. We have been providing our exemplary OPC registration consultant services for the past 8+ years which reflects that we are prominent in providing high-standard OPC registration online services.
Therefore, to avail of our services contact us immediately for OPC registration online/ one person company registration online.
An OPC has to convert into a private limited company or public limited company when
Additionally, under the above-mentioned circumstances, an OPC needs to convert into a private limited company or a public limited company within 6 months.
OPC is an ideal form of business for the individual who wants to have complete control over the business as well as if a person wants to enjoy limited liability can commence the same. Thus, the person does not have to risk his personal assets.
A natural person who is an Indian resident of India or an Indian Citizen is eligible to act as a member and nominee of a one-person company.
Following are not eligible to form an OPC,
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