Portfolio Manager Registration

JR Compliance- an award winning compliance service provider gurantees to provide 100% assistance in portfolio manager registration by emphasizing on the reliability, adaptability, and transparency to provide highest customer satisfaction to our clients.

Contact our expert consultants for Portfolio Manager Registration.

Who is the Portfolio Manager?

According to SEBI (Portfolio Manager Registration), 1993 portfolio manager is a corporate body that conforms to a contract or arrangement with the client, advises/directs/undertakes on behalf of the client, the management/administration of the portfolio of securities/client’s funds.

In simpler words, a professional individual who makes investment decisions and carries out investment activities on behalf of a person or institution is termed a portfolio manager.

What are the rules that govern the services of the portfolio manager?

The agreement or contract between the portfolio manager and client governs the services of the portfolio manager.

What is the capital adequacy requirement for a portfolio manager registration?

As prescribed in Clause (g) of Regulation (6), the capital adequacy must not be less than the net worth of Rs 50 lakhs.

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Types of Portfolio Manager

1. Discretionary Portfolio Manager
An individual independently manages the client’s funds as per the client’s need.

2. Non-Discretionary Portfolio Manager
Under this type, funds are managed according to the client’s directions.

Requirements For Portfolio Manager Registration

The applicant must be a corporate body.

An applicant must be a fit and proper individual.

The capital adequacy must not be below a net worth of Rs 50 lakh.

The candidate should possess the office space, equipment, and workforce to discharge the activity appropriately.

The applicant, his partner, director/ principal officer must not engage in any litigation connected to the securities market.

An applicant must have at least two employees comprising experience to conduct the business of a portfolio manager. 

An applicant, his partner, director, a principal officer must not be guilty of any economic offense or moral depravity.

The applicant must have obtained the professional qualification from the government-recognized institution in finance, accounting, law, or business management.

A grant of the certificate to the applicant must be in the investor’s interest.

Requirements to Fulfill For Portfolio Manager Registration

The Process of Portfolio Manager Registration

Below-mentioned are the processes of Portfolio Manager Registration, 

Portfolio Manager Registration Process
  1. The Form A will be filled to commence the registration process.
  2. The Board might require additional information/clarification concerning the portfolio manager activity for the application disposal.
  3. If required, the applicant/principal officer needs to appear before the Board.
  4. If the board is satisfied with the requirements fulfilled by the applicant, an intimation will be sent to the applicant and submit the registration fee of Rs 10 lakh.
  5. Further, the grant of certificate in Form B will be procured.
The Process of Renewal of Portfolio Manager Registration Certificate
  1. To renew the certificate, an application Form A three months before the expiration will be filled.
  2. The registration process to renew the portfolio manager registration certificate is the same as early.
  3. If the Board satisfies with the requirements, the grant of renewal certificate will be received. 
The Procedure Where Registration is Not Granted
  1. If the registration or renewal of the application fails to withstand the requirements, the application will be rejected after providing you the chance to be heard.
  2. Within 30 days of the application rejection, the refusal to grant registration will be communicated, specifying the rejection reason.
  3. If an applicant is not satisfied by the Board’s decision, he shall apply for application reconsideration within 30 days of receiving the intimation.
  4. Under Sub-regulation, on (3), the Board will reconsider its decision to communicate its decision immediately.

Conditions For Penalty Imposition on a Portfolio Manager

If a portfolio manager contravenes the rules and regulations of the Act.

A portfolio manager fails to provide a solution to investor’s complaints or fails to give a satisfactory response to the Board concerning the same.

The portfolio manager does not pay fees.

If the portfolio manager is at fault for misconduct, improper, or unprofessional conduct.

The portfolio manager fails to provide information regarding the related activity of the portfolio manager (as required by the Board), provides inaccurate information, fails to submit periodic returns reports, or fails to co-operate in any inquiry raised by the Board.

If the portfolio manager engages in the manipulating/ price rigging/ cornering activities.

The portfolio manager fails to meet the maintenance capital adequacy.

If the portfolio manager fails to carry out his obligation as prescribed.

A portfolio manager contravenes the registration’s conditions.

As mentioned above, any inaccuracy concerning registration conditions, failing to pay the fee, and improper documentation could result in a penalty. That can further affect the registration process. 

Consequently, JR Compliance possesses the expertise, experienced, and professional team to provide you with the most appropriate service to complete the registration timely and error-free.  

We do not believe in providing mere service but providing a high-standard experience to our clients by ensuring utmost convenience.

Our Role in Obtaining Portfolio Manager Registration Certificate

Our consultants guarantees to provide you complete support in the registration process. 

We will assist you in the process of documentation to avoid inaccuracy and penalty.

We will assist you in fulfilling the registration conditions to avoid penalties.

Our Portfolio Manager Registration consultants will directly coordinate with officials to ensure proper follow-ups and acknowledgments.

Our Portfolio Manager Registration consultants will also assist you in renewing the grant of certificate of the portfolio manager.

In case of inspection by the authorities, our expert team guarantees to provide the most acceptable directions or to accompany you during an inspection, if required.

We guarantee to provide you with the most appropriate solution to your concerns.

A portfolio manager working in the office


The portfolio manager registration is a tedious process plus requires experience and expertise because even a minor inaccuracy in the registration process, documentation, inspection, etc., could result in a penalty. 

As a result, JR Compliance- India’s finest compliance services provider, guarantees to provide you with the most appropriate services, ensuring convenience, error-free registration, and transparency. Moreover, during an inspection, you can follow the directions of our experts blindly.

Hence, for expert and professional services, contact Delhi's leading compliance service providers immediately.

Have Questions? We've got answers.

What is the role of SEBI in Portfolio Manager Registration?

Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the financial market regulator. Likewise, in exercising power conferred in Section 30, SEBI regulates the portfolio manager registration.

What is the validity of the Portfolio Manager Certificate?

The portfolio manager certificate is valid for three years. Though, you must apply for its renewal three months before the expiration.

Do the portfolio manager and client enter into an agreement/contract?

Indeed, the portfolio manager and client must enter into an agreement or contract before taking up an assignment for a fund or portfolio of securities management. Moreover, the contract or agreement should clearly state the relation, settling of mutual rights, liabilities, and obligations regarding the fund or portfolio of securities management.

Does SEBI approve any service offered by the portfolio manager?

No, SEBI does not give consent to any service offered by a portfolio manager. Thus, an investor must invest in the specific service prescribed in terms and conditions mentioned in the disclosure documents and the contract/agreement between portfolio manager and client.

Can the Board inspect the books of account, records, and documents of the Portfolio Manager?

Indeed, the Board can appoint one or more individuals to inspect the books of account, records, and documents of the Portfolio Manager.

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