State Pollution Control Board | Pollution Control Committee

State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee - authorities which takes care of implementation of norms, rules, and regulations established by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The primary motive to establish State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee is to ensure the implementation of established rules and regulations to protect and preserve environment.

Pollution is the price which humans are paying for living a prosperous life - beside every other contributors of pollution, constant growth in industrial growth plays a major role as a contributor. Moreover, it is a logical fact that growth and environment goes hand to hand, thus, both are essential for an economic growth.

To tackle the issue of pollution, especially to prevent the pollution at all levels, Central Pollution Control Board has been established on September 22, 1974 with the fundamental motive to prevent turning of nature into a barren where nothing can grow or survive. Moreover, to ensure the implementation of established norms, rules and regulations State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee. Bascialy, State Pollution Control Board refers to the pollution control board of State, while Pollution Control Committee belongs to Union Territories . 

Government of Delhi

Andhra Pradesh State Pollution Control Board

Andhra Pradesh Pollution Board is empowered to work under the framework of provisions of the Pollution Acts, Rules, and Amendments. 

Government of Haryana

Bihar State 

Pollution Control Board

Bihar committed to provide a safe environment by ensuring appropriate implementation of environmental laws, which has been established by the concerned authorities.

Chhattisgarh State Pollution Control Board

Chhattisgarh Pollution Control Board is committed to provide a safe environment to the individuals by taking several remedial measures to prevent and abatement of pollution.

Government of UP

Delhi State Pollution Control Committee

Delhi State Pollution Control Committee is to implement the different Environmental or Pollution Control Laws established by the Parliament and notified by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF).

Government of Maharashtra

Goa State Pollution Control Board

Goa State Pollution Control Board (GPCB) is an autonomous statutory organization established on July 1, 1988 under Water and Air Act, 1974. 

Gujarat State Pollution Control Board

Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) was established on october 15, 1974 with the objective of better prevention and control of pollution having improved management tools. 

Government of UP

Haryana State Pollution Control Board

Haryana State Pollution Control  Board takes necessary steps to control the pollution in Haryana through the proper implementation of laws formed by the Ministry of Environment and Forest.

Government of Maharashtra

Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board

Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board is a nodal agency established with the purpose of planning, promotion, coordination, and overseeing the implementation of established environmental programs.

Jammu & Kashmir State Pollution Control Committee

JK - PCB is an authority responsible to uniformly implement the environmental laws throughout the country to prevent and control the environmental issues for the health and safety of the human beings, flora and fauna, including to control or prevent environmental degradation. 

Government of UP

Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board

Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board, established under the Section 4 of Water Act, 1974, though it started functioning on 15.12.2000. It is entrusted with the responsibility to implement environmental laws and regulations.

Government of Maharashtra

Karnataka State Pollution Control Board

KSPCB has been entrusted with the responsibility to prevent and control the pollution, however, before the enactment of the Air Act, the sole purpose to establish the KSPCB was to prevent and control water pollution.

Kerala State 

Pollution Control Board

Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) is entrusted with one of the major responsibilities that is ensure the implementation of environmental Acts and laws.

Government of UP

Madhya Pradesh State Pollution Control Board

MPPCB is responsible to maintain the health and usable condition of water, air, and soil by constantly keeping an eye on environmental activities in order to achieve their objective.

Government of Maharashtra

Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board

Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board (MPCB) was established under the provision of Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Act, 1969 to implement the laws and regulations in regard to the environment preservation. 

Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board

Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board has been entrusted with several responsibilities to prevent and control the pollution in the State.

Government of UP

Odisha State Pollution Control

Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) has been established under Sub-section (1) of Section 4 of Water Act, 1974, vide notification No. 1481-VII-HI-11/83 (Vol. II)-S.T.E., dt. 15.7.1983 in the erstwhile Department of Science, Technology & Environment. 

Government of Maharashtra

Puducherry Pollution Control Board Committee

Puducherry State Pollution Control Committee (PPCC) has been established since 1-4-1992, it is a statutory body in the Department of Science, technology, and environment.

Punjab State 

Pollution Control Board

The Punjab State Pollution Control Board (PPCB) established in 1975 under the vide vide Punjab Government Notification No. 6186-BR II (4) 75/24146 dated 30.07.1975, subsequent to the enactment of Water Act, 1974.

Government of UP

Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board

Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RPCB) has been established under Section 4 of Water Act, 1971 with the fundamental motive to prevent, control, and abate the environmental issues through implementation of environmental Acts, laws, rules, and regulations.

Government of Maharashtra

Sikkim State Pollution Control Board

Sikkim State Pollution Control Board was established as an autonomous body established as an advisor and regulatory body with the motive to control, prevent, and abatement of pollution.

Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) was earlier known as Tamil Nadu Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Board - which was established in February 27, 1982 under the pursuance of Water Act, 1974.

Government of UP

Telangana State Pollution Control Board

Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is a statutory authority which is entrusted with the responsibility to implement Environmental laws and rules. 

Government of Maharashtra

Tripura State Pollution Control Board

Tripura State Pollution Control Board was established under the provision of Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Act, 1969 with the fundamental motive to implement the laws and regulations in regard to the environment preservation. 

UP State Pollution Control Board

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board is a statutory organization which has been trusted to implement the Environmental laws and rules as prescribed in the jurisdiction of Uttar Pradesh. 

Government of UP

Uttarakhand State Pollution Control Board

Uttrakhand State Pollution Control Board was constituted in 2001 depending on Section (4) of Water Act, 1974 by the Forest and Environment Division.

Government of Maharashtra

West Bengal State Pollution Control Board

WBPCB is to ensure appropriate implementation of provisions under environmental laws and regulations as constituted by the Government of West Bengal and Government of India.

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